Each Party must, both in the carrying out of its duties within World OCR as well as on a day-to-day basis shall comply with the principles of:

  1. Human dignity
  2. Nondiscrimination, for whatever reason: race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, philosophical and political opinions, marital status or any other
  3. Nonviolence, including abstaining from any kind of pressure and harassment, whether physical, mental, professional or sexual
  4. Friendship, mutual aid and fair-play
  5. Integrity
  6. Priority to the interests of obstacle sports of and FISO in relation to personal interests
  7. Priority to the interests of sport and athletes in relation to financial interests
  8. Protection of the environment
  9. Political neutrality
  10. FISO Constitution
  11. Olympic Charter
  12. ​International Olympic Committee Code of Ethics

All parties shall, on all occasions and to the best of their ability, serve the interests of obstacle racing and World OCR. They shall be aware of their task and their personal responsibility and take all necessary action to carry it out. They shall refrain from any behaviour that may jeopardize racing or the reputation of World OCR.


The Parties shall refrain from asking, accepting or proposing, either directly or indirectly, any payment or commission, any advantages or services of any kind, whether it is in exchange for their work carried out for World OCR, and which has not been agreed with or authorized by the competent authority at World OCR. They will inform World OCR of any offers of this kind that are made to them. Only symbolic gifts may be offered or accepted by the Parties, as a mark of respect or as a token of friendship in accordance with usual local custom. Any other gifts received must be sent to the World OCR. A competent authority at World OCR must authorize any other gifts offered to a third-party.


The health, wellness and medical safety of athletes are of paramount importance for Obstacle Sports. The World Obstacle Medical Commission is the FISO body that ensures medical care at all sanctioned and recognised competitions are of the highest international quality. We are responsible for establishing conditions at competitions that ensure the health and safety of all participants. This includes ensuring that FISO complies with the World Anti-Doping Agency code, the IOC and FISO Anti-Doping rules and medical standards established by the ASTM International Standard for land-based obstacles.

The World Obstacle Athlete Development Committee is a working group of the Athletes Commission and works with the Medical Commission to ensure the health and wellness of Junior, Youth and Adult athletes.


The World Obstacle Medical Rules are the master source documents for Obstacle Sports disciples and events. These documents act as the official (authorized) reference documents and are maintained based on authorized amendments in accordance with recommendations by the World Obstacle Medical Commission and accepted by the World Obstacle Executive Committee.

The World Obstacle Medical Rules are intended to:

  • Ensure adequate emergency medical preparedness at Obstacle events;
  • Provide guidelines for the safety and protection of athletes;
  • Emphasize preventive care and athlete health prior to and during competition;
  • Outline safety and technical requirements of medical posts, medical equipment, and medical personnel on course
  • World Obstacle Medical Rules will be available for download here shortly.


The Medical Delegate (MD) is a professional who takes part in safety and medical issues of the athletes during competitions. He/she needs to have experience in world level sports events, with knowledge in technical and operational issues related to world-class events and expertise in anti-doping procedures and WADA related issues.

The MD has to be a member of the team of technical officials in order to know the technical operations and the possible scenarios of the competition.


International Olympic Committee consensus statement on youth athletic development.


The health, fitness and other advantages of youth sports participation are well recognised. However, there are considerable challenges for all stakeholders involved — especially youth athletes — in trying to maintain inclusive, sustainable and enjoyable participation and success for all levels of individual athletic achievement. In an effort to advance a more unified, evidence-informed approach to youth athlete development, the IOC critically evaluated the current state of science and practice of youth athlete development and presented recommendations for developing healthy, resilient and capable youth athletes, while providing opportunities for all levels of sport participation and success. The IOC further challenges all youth and other sport governing bodies to embrace and implement these recommended guiding principles.

Read the full consensus statement here.


Medical Delegate Competition Checklist (pdf) Download Management of Medical Emergencies (pdf) Download Management of Common Injuries (pdf) Download Medical Rules (pdf) Download
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