FISO members and staff are bound by the code of ethics. This details the ethical principles of FISO, based on the core values and the standards to which the members shall be held. The Code is applicable to the following persons:
- Members of the Executive Committee
- Members of the Central Board
- Members of World Obstacle Continental Confederations
- Members of all Committees & Commissions
- Athlete members
- FISO staff
Each of the above persons being referred to hereinafter shall be to as a ‘Party’.
Ethics matters are reviewed by the World Obstacle Ethics Panel.
The responsibility of the Ethics Panel is to enforce the World Obstacle Code of Ethics and investigate this violation. The Panel is part of the Secretariat and submits Resolutions to the Executive Committee. Included in its duties are overseeing Responsible Events and members comply with the Code of Ethics.
Chairman: Mr. Jack A. Donenfeld (USA)
Deputy Chair: Mr. Charles Or (PHI)
Members: Ad Hoc
Each Party must, both in the carrying out of its duties within FISO as well as on a day-to-day basis shall comply with the principles of:
- Human dignity
- Nondiscrimination, for whatever reason: race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, philosophical and political opinions, marital status or any other
- Nonviolence, including abstaining from any kind of pressure and harassment, whether physical, mental, professional or sexual
- Friendship, mutual aid and fair-play
- Integrity
- Priority to the interests of obstacle sports and FISO in relation to personal interests
- Priority to the interests of sport and athletes in relation to financial interests
- Protection of the environment
- Political neutrality
- FISO Constitution
- Olympic Charter
- International Olympic Committee Code of Ethics
All parties shall, on all occasions and to the best of their ability, serve the interests of obstacle racing and FISO. They shall be aware of their task and their personal responsibility and take all necessary action to carry it out. They shall refrain from any behaviour that may jeopardize racing or the reputation of FISO.
The Parties shall refrain from asking, accepting or proposing, either directly or indirectly, any payment or commission, any advantages or services of any kind, whether it is in exchange for their work carried out for FISO, and which has not been agreed with or authorized by the competent authority at FISO. They will inform FISO of any offers of this kind that are made to them. Only symbolic gifts may be offered or accepted by the Parties, as a mark of respect or as a token of friendship in accordance with usual local custom. Any other gifts received must be sent to the FISO. A competent authority at FISO must authorize any other gifts offered to a third-party.