GODZONE is one of the largest and best known international adventure race producer and has established it’s events in the pantheon of expedition races alongside the Raid Gauloise and Eco-Challenge.

GODZONE: God’s Own Country – Often abbreviated to Godzone or less often Godzown, it is a phrase that has been used for more than 100 years by New Zealanders to describe their homeland.

Many people believe that New Zealand is the spiritual home of adventure racing. With wilderness at most people’s doorstep and a culture of adventure embedded in the nation’s psyche, it was an easy marriage in the early days of the sport. Over the years New Zealand has produced some of the greatest racers the sport has seen and continues to do so.

The organisers of GODZONE have high standards and a simple focus when it comes to delivering an adventure race. The main aim is to produce the best experience for all participants with an event that understands the importance of balancing ‘adventure’ on one hand and ‘racing’ on the other. The races of yesteryear were often raw and wild, sometimes lacking in organisational prowess, but no less competitive for that fact. The modern generation of races have become more ‘race’ focused with physical difficulty and speed being the defining characteristics. We believe it is possible to have the best of both worlds – in short, bring back the adventure, keep the attention to detail and let the competitors have highly competitive fun.


All teams, entourage, spectators, service providers, contractors and associated individuals and organizations are required to uphold the highest standards of ethics, professionalism, moral conduct and behaviour expected for world level events. The following standards, guidelines and policies are included as part of these requirements:

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