World Obstacle is committed to a healthy planet and the global environment. We use the international standard ISO 20121 Event Sustainability Management System, to ensure the sustainability of events in the World Obstacle system. This standard was developed for use at the 2012 London Olympic Games and is the global benchmark for sustainable events.
ISO 20121 is a management system standard that has been designed to help organisations in the events industry to improve the sustainability of their event-related activities, products and services. ISO 20121 helps World Obstacle race producers and directors:
- Be financially successful
- Become more socially responsible
- Reduce their environmental footprint
The Athlete Advisory Council (AAC) is a standing committee of World OCR, made up of elite athletes, that provides opinion and advice on FISO policies that effect obstacle sports worldwide. The AAC may appoint athletes to FISO nominating committees, panels empowered to resolve grievances, and any committee that prepares, approves or implements programs regarding the selection of international championships, Olympic, and Continental Games team members.
The United Nations Sports for Climate Action works towards two overarching goals:
- Achieving a clear trajectory for the global sports community to combat climate change, through commitments and partnerships according to verified standards, including measuring, reducing, and reporting greenhouse gas emissions, in line with the well below 2-degree scenario enshrined in the Paris Agreement;
- Using sports as a unifying tool to federate and create solidarity among global citizens for climate action.
World Obstacle is a signatory on the climate action for sport movement, which relies on the Sports for Climate Action Framework. This initiative aims at supporting and guiding sports actors in achieving global climate change goals.
We display climate leadership by engaging together in the climate neutrality journey. They are achieved by taking responsibility for our climate footprint, which incentivises climate action beyond our events and member organisations, and helps all of us step-up in the face of the threat posed by climate change.
Uniting behind a set of principles with other sports organisations and their communities, World Obstacle collaborates to position Obstacle Sports Events on the path of the low carbon economy that global leaders agreed on in Paris: Sports for Climate Action.
UN Climate Change welcomes the leadership of the International Olympic Committee in contributing to key areas of action within this movement. World Obstacle invites all national governing bodies, event producers, sports federations, leagues and clubs, to join and jointly develop the climate action agenda in Obstacle Sports, by leading and supporting working groups and by bringing expertise, tools and best practices into this framework.