World OCR Reinforces Policies for the Protection of Athletes

Representatives of international sports federations, governing bodies and stakeholders gathered last week in Lausanne, Switzerland, for the IF Forum 2019. The annual event organised by SportAccord for international sports federations and supported by the International Olympic Committee, anticipated a three-day agenda of Athlete Centred Sport discussions, including safeguarding athletes, financial wellbeing, athlete welfare and mental health, protecting clean athletes and strengthening the athletes’ voice.

Following the guidelines of the IOC, World OCR has been leading this discussion within the OCR community. Since 2014, the federation has been putting in practice anti-doping, safety, transgender, Athlete Advisory Council and code of ethics policies as follows:

World OCR Athlete Advisory Council

The World OCR (FISO) Athlete Advisory Council is a standing committee of World OCR that broadens communication between FISO and elite athletes and serves as a source of opinion and advice on FISO policies that effect obstacle sports worldwide.

The AAC makes recommendations to the Central Board on issues related to the needs and concerns of the elite athlete members of the national federations, including:

  • selection of elite athlete races;
  • qualification procedures for the selection of members to Elite National Teams;
  • the establishment and maintenance of elite rankings;
  • event disciplines and formats;
  • adoption, amendment and enforcement of competition rules; and
  • procedure for the appointment or election of elite athletes to the AAC

Click here to learn more about the Athlete Advisory Council.

World OCR Anti-Doping Rules

World OCR has adopted the World Anti-Doping Agency Code (the “Code”). World OCR Anti-Doping Rules are adopted and implemented in compliance with World OCR’s responsibilities under the Code and are in furtherance of World OCR’s continuing efforts to prevent doping in the sport of Obstacle Racing.

Click here to download the Anti-doping rules.

World OCR Operations and Safety Guidelines

Safety of athletes, spectators, staff, volunteer and all people involved with Obstacle Sports, disciplines, events and races is of the utmost importance for the continued growth and development of the sport. World OCR is committed to developing safety standards ensuring design, build, structural integrity, use, maintenance and procedures meet a minimum standard. World OCR is a member of ASTM International, an organization responsible for global safety standards, Committee F24sub committee F24.61 and the working group for land based obstacles ASTM WK54714. This working group provides guidelines for design, construction, operation, inspection, and maintenance of obstacle courses by designers, owners, builders, and operators. We work closely with international brands and organizations, including Tough MudderSpartan RaceThe ATS Team (Ninja Warrior), Urban Sky and Med Prep Group.

Click here to download the safety guidelines.

World OCR Medical Policies and Guidelines

The health, wellness and medical safety of athletes is of paramount importance for Obstacle Sports. The World OCR Medical Commission is the FISO body that ensures medical care at all sanctioned and recognised competitions is of the highest international quality. We are responsible for establishing conditions at competitions that ensure the health and safety of all participants. This includes ensuring that FISO complies with the World Anti-Doping Agency code, the IOC and FISO Anti-Doping rules and medical standards established by the ASTM International Standard for land based obstacles.

The World OCR Athlete Development Committee is a working group of the Athletes Commission and works with the Medical Commission to ensure the health and wellness of Junior, Youth and Adult  athletes.

Click here to learn more about medical and safety.

World OCR Transgender Policies and Guidelines

The policies of World OCR regarding transgender athletes follows the International Olympic Committee (IOC) recommendations. The IOC Consensus Meeting in November 2015 agreed that the following guidelines be adopted by sports organizations when determining eligibility to compete in male and female competition:

  1. Those who transition from female to male are eligible to compete in the male category without restriction.
  2. Those who transition from male to female are eligible to compete in the female category under certain conditions.

Click here to learn more about transgender policies.

World OCR Diversity Committee

Equality and safety are of paramount importance to the federations and FISO does not tolerate hate speech or actions. Behaviour counter to principles of sport will result in sanctions/exclusion/disqualification of individuals and or organisations.

The Diversity Committee provides advice and recommendations regarding gender development sensitivity and inclusivity.

Click here for more information on the Diversity Committee.

World OCR Code of Ethics

World OCR members and staff are bound by the code of ethics. This details the ethical principles of the organisation, based on the core values and the standards to which the members shall be held. The Code is applicable to the following persons:

  1. Members of the Executive Committee
  2. Members of the Central Board
  3. Members of World OCR Continental Confederations
  4. Members of Commissions
  5. Athlete members
  6. FISO staff

Each Party must, both in the carrying out of its duties within World OCR as well as on a day-to-day basis shall comply with the principles of:

  1. Human dignity
  2. Nondiscrimination, for whatever reason: race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, philosophical and political opinions, marital status or any other
  3. Nonviolence, including abstaining from any kind of pressure and harassment, whether physical, mental, professional or sexual
  4. Friendship, mutual aid and fair-play
  5. Integrity
  6. Priority to the interests of obstacle sports of and World OCR in relation to personal interests
  7. Priority to the interests of sport and athletes in relation to financial interests
  8. Protection of the environment
  9. Political neutrality
  10. World OCR Constitution
  11. Olympic Charter
  12. International Olympic Committee code of Ethics

Click here to download the World OCR Code of Ethics.



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