The European Obstacle Sports Federation (EOSF)

EOSF is the continental confederation of national federation members of World Obstacle in Europe.

Albania: under development

Andorra: Club d’Esports d’Obstacles d’Andorra – OCRA
Bernabé MURO GIRIBONE – [email protected]

Armenia: under development
Parvaneh Motevalli – [email protected]

Austria: OCR Austria
Under review

Belarus: Belarusian Obstacle Sports Federation BOSF
Alina Tsurikova – [email protected]

Bosnia and Herzegovina: under development

Croatia: OCR Croatia
Andrej Simatic – [email protected]

Czech Republic: Česká Asociace Překážkových Sportů CAPS
Petr Vinicky – [email protected]

Denmark: Danish Obstacle Course Racing Union DOCRU
Allan Poulsen – [email protected]

Estonia: Estonian Obstacle Course Race Association (EOCRA)
Peteri Grauen – [email protected], [email protected]

Finland: Finish Obstacle Course Racing Association FOCRA
Johan Nyman- [email protected]

France: Union Française de Sports d’Obstacles OCR France
Léa Frugier – [email protected]

Georgia: Obstacle Sports Georgia OSG
Gia Metreveli – [email protected]

Germany: OCRA Germany OCRA Germany
Marcel Wunn – [email protected]

Gibraltar: OCR Gibraltar Rock Warriors
Juri Williamson – [email protected]

Great Britain: British Obstacle Sports BOS
James Burton – [email protected], [email protected]

Greece: under development
Stamos Panagiotis – [email protected]

Hungary: Hungarian Obstacle Course Racing Association HOCRA
Stepan Zsolt – [email protected]

Ireland: OCR Association Ireland OCRA Ireland
Sergej Dikun – [email protected]

The People

President: Mr. Stefano Zappa (ITL) – [email protected]
Vice President: Ms. Léa Frugier (FRA) – [email protected]
Secretary: To be elected
Treasurer: Ms. Olga Estelle (ESP) – [email protected]

Israel: Obstacles Israel NinjaIsrael
Amour Paz – [email protected]

Italy: Federazione Italiana OCR FIOCR
Mauro Leoni – [email protected]

Liechtenstein: Liechtenstein Obstacle Sports Federation LOSF
German Matt – [email protected]

Lithuania: OCR Lithuania OCR Lithuania
Gabriel Gedzius – [email protected]

Malta: Malta Modern Pentathlon Association
Marco Tomasini – [email protected]

Moldova: Obstacle Sports Federation Republic of Moldova
Alexei Vasilianov – [email protected]

Netherlands: OCRA Nederland NLOSF
[email protected]

Norway: Norwegian OCR Association NOCRA
Hege Henrikson – [email protected]

Poland: Stowarzyszenie Biegów Przeszkodowych OCR Polska
Ewa Wasielewska – [email protected],  [email protected]

Portugal: Federação Portuguesa de Corridas de Obstáculos FPOCR
Mário Porfírio – [email protected], [email protected]

Romania: OCR Romania

Russia: OCR Russia OCR Russia
Dilyara Sadikova – [email protected]

Serbia: Serbian OCR Federation – under development
Jasmina Aleksandrov – [email protected]

Slovakia: OCRA Slovakia OCRA Slovakia
Adam Riapoš – [email protected]

Slovenia: under development

Spain: OCRA Espana OCRA España
Julen Martinez-Huarte – [email protected]

Sweden: Swedish Athletics Federation Svensk Friidrott
Daniel Bergin – [email protected]

Switzerland: Swiss Obstacle Sports Federation SOSF
Marcial Luthy – [email protected]

Turkey: Turkish Sport for All Federation
Baris Kaymak – [email protected]

Ukraine: Obstacle Racing Federation of Ukraine ORFU
Oleksandr Trohymets – [email protected]


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